Is the adaptation of a product or a service to meet the needs
a particular language, culture, or a desired population’s “ look-and-feel”. A successfully localized service or product is one that appears to have been developed within the local culture. This is accomplished by adjusting the original language, content translation of your products and services, attributes, functions, and characteristics into the languages and dialects of other countries. It is critical to use localization techniques which showcase that country’s customs, currency, units of measurement, icons, symbols, slang, imagery, idioms, often used phrases, cultural subtext, and even their special holidays and meaningful celebrations. Highly skilled website translation service experts are your built-in style guides that create a design, tone, speech pace, and the glossary of terms which can be easily navigated. They can implement a CMS, (Content Management System), which is specifically coded to update your site frequently, enabling the audience to switch languages from a language menu that contains both their most spoken words, multiple dialects, or variant varieties of speech.

There are 4 steps in website localization, namely :
  • Language :
  • fully translated website with cultural nuances taken into consideration
  • Images :
  • images, and particularly videos, should be replaced to be culturally appropriate
  • SEO :
  • multilingual SEO will make it possible for you to be found by your new markets
  • Design :
  • such as adapting for right-to-left languages, language switcher placement and taking into consideration text expansion
If you want to go global: invest in translation.
